Westbourne Gardens had a visit (Friday 6th Dec 2013) from the Chief Executive of Trowbridge Town Council which I have to assume was provoked by an email I sent (from my personal account) on the 26th November to the town and county councillors representing Westbourne Gardens and included Mr. Allan , NARA and the Wiltshire Police Commissioner in the list of recipients.
I volunteer that the tone of the email was a little harsh - that said - I'm sure the recipients have seen far worse... Up to the time of this post - only Sharon Draper chairperson of NARA has had the courtesy to actually acknowledge receipt of the email and Sharon also forwarded Lance Allan's response/"report" which he chose apparently to circulate solely to councillors and Sharon.
I have deliberately waited a few days (as per the title of this post...) before formulating a public response.
In summary, it's appreciated that Mr. Allan took the time to do a (possibly illegal? - since it would seem that he didn't actually contact any residents) - drive-by on Westbourne Gardens. However, congratulations end there.
Council officials are not expected to guess the law and make stuff up. Whilst I can see this is a "quick take" - I do not care for the wholesale errors, dismissive tone, opinion substituted for facts obtained by due diligence, shallow analysis and the implied threat of universal parking charges - unprofessional some might call it .... I frankly expect rather more for £75K a year - this is woeful. The lack of even an acknowledgement response to the original email is rather telling IMHO.
So, in keeping with the title of this post, a cooling off period was required I thought - for a number of reasons.
- Allow time for a structured and properly researched response from the recipients.
- Allow adrenaline to ebb away and sweet reasonableness to prevail.
a clear fail on both counts there then...
How many times do we have to point out that
"non resident associated" parking in Westbourne Gardens is a traffic offence?
I have in-lined my comments on Mr. Allan's missive below:
From the top
Having paid a visit to Westbourne Gardens today I can report as follows:
Having read Mr. Allan's communication - a few observations:
There is no evidence of illegal parking in Westbourne Gardens,
Simply wrong - A pretty sweeping statement - how would you know? - a sixth sense? a crystal ball? something that the 23 householders had entirely missed ? this idiotic assertion has irritated every resident who's seen it!
now vehicles were parked on yellow lines, there were lots parked in those parts of the street which are unrestricted
unrestricted ? What on earth do you think the signs mean? What bit of "Access Only" do you have a problem with? The entire street is restricted. (facepalm)
. The area in front of #7 and #9 was coned off, presumably by the residents so that they are able to park in front of their properties when they come home from work this evening.
If you'd got out of your car and read the notes on the tape between the cones you'd have seen that a resident had a removal van arriving and needed the space for that. They delivered notes about the matter to all affected residents.
The ‘restriction’ in Westbourne Gardens is a “no motor vehicles except for access” one, which I believe allows anyone to drive down there to enable them to park in that road.
A belief! - and an totally ill informed wonky one to boot - kindly read the relevant parts of the various Road Traffic Acts - the 619/620 sign combination is "Access Only" - that means vehicular access to only the properties on the road with these signs Multiple precedents are out there for enforcing this - not mere supposition or opinion - or even "belief". Non resident parking in Westbourne Gardens is a traffic offence which is endorsable by three penalty points. Wheeling out an unsupported legal assertion in this fashion is unacceptable from a public employee.
There were only three cars parked in Stallards car park, where the charges are £1 for 1 hour £1.50 for 2 hours and £3.20 for 3 hours maximum.
£3.20 a day to park at the railway station - and more fines than parking fees at Stallards car park plus probably a lot less than 5% daytime utilisation (high proportion of Disabled Badges ) - hardly a shining example of a community amenity. Stallards Car park out of charging hours utilisation has dropped by at least 50% probably further since extension of the control period 1 hour both ends of the day when pay and display imposed
I am not sure of season passes and residents pass arrangements.
FYI these seem to be quite variable according to anecdotal evidence from Bradford Road residents.
I am not aware of any opportunity which Wiltshire Council would have to change the arrangements without going through legal publication and consultation channels.
Just woeful - a TRO is not required - enforcement is what's required and not actually very much of that - historically a couple of times a year Wiltshire Police enforced the rat run that triggered the original TRO emplacing the 619/620 restriction signage. A singular lack of understanding of how traffic signage works is on display here. This not a parking issue per se - it's a traffic violation attracting a FPN in other places TSGRD 2002 - contravention code 52 applies - nominally a FPN at the higher rate as it qualifies as a moving traffic offence.
I am not aware of any other issues being reported regarding lack of lighting in the car park.
I would suggest that we bear this in mind in respect of the possibility of Westbourne Gardens being on the list for Residents Parking schemes and future local control of car parks.
Complete and utter self serving nonsense - Westbourne Gardens already has "resident only" parking.
Copy of original Lance Allan site visit document.