Monday, December 9, 2013

Thank you - to everybody who's responded.

Some things are now much clearer about the situation.

The level of ignorance of traffic law in the public organisations  responsible for enforcing the existing restrictions in Westbourne Gardens is just astounding - officials and some police officers even think they can "busk it" and just make things up as they go.

Wrong, inconsistent and muddled messages have been sent to folk infringing the 619/620 Access Only signage - this is not excusing those rat runners or illegal parkers most of whom are only too well aware that their activity is dodgy - but it is exasperating that those employed to enforce laws don't even know the principles and rudiments of the relevant legislation. To be fair - some police officers have done a decent job - but they've moved on or been "re-tasked" - the councils have been persistently clueless / hopeless (and worse).

Anyway  - there's been a number of "repeat suggestions" and an email will be winging out later this week with a reconciled list of those and some other stuff.

Thank you all again.


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